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Our final quality control video

Table tennis company quality control

You asked what is the different between factory made and handmade blades. We have different aspects but the most common feature of our manufacturing processs is that we are not forced by the machinery and sales division to spend less and sell more. This way we are allowed to use premium category materials and spend the time that a good blade needs. And yes the quality is always condrolled by humans since we hold every single blade an parts in our hand.

Our final quality control

For the best result we check every single blades right before we ship them and measure the key features like

  • weight
  • thickness

With every blade you receive a manually filled data sheet with exactly the measured data. After we attach the papers we put the blade into the box made of recycled material and we also place some silica gel to prevent the effect of possible humidity. You will also receive a high quality OSP and a Palatinus iron transfer.

We made a short video about our final quality control: