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Laszlo Peli

Co-founder of OSP blades, Production manager of VideoTeamHungary. Socialmedia marketing content management expert.

The seventy years old Tibor Klampar still playing table tennis

On this day, the 30th of April, our friend, the Hungarian table tennis talent and many times world champion turned today 70 years old, and still playing (with handmade balde). His nickname was Mr. Wrist at the top of his carrier because of his killer backhand topspin over the table, but it seems he invented kicking 40 years earlier than… Read More »World Champion Tibor Klampar celebrating 70

Balázs Lei won the final by beating an Asian team 3:2 and became U15 world champions in boys’ doubles in Rades, Tunisia, with the Slovakian Samuel Árpás in December. He uses a ‘simple’ OSP Virtuoso AC UTCAN. We are incredibly proud of Balazs not only because he is from our area and playing in The Ambrus Table Tennis Academy three… Read More »World champion title with OSP table tennis blade

OSP Blades with Godall Biodiversity project

One Tree Planted project with Dr. Jane Goodall We have been in this project for few years cooperating with the One Tree Planted. It is about making our hands longer to remote planting woods that is – in our approach – the motor of the globe. It is also important for us to see the bigger picture: forests not also… Read More »OSP with Biodiversity