Did you know that if you buy any of OSP Blades you take part in our tree planting project? As a creator and artist, we know that we obligated to maintain the cycle of live as much we can. We realize human and Earth must be living in a synergistic combination. Wood as a material is very close to our… Read More »Buying an OSP blade you plant a tree
Laszlo Peli
Co-founder of OSP blades, Production manager of VideoTeamHungary. Socialmedia marketing content management expert.
We remember well the time we said we do not use composites. Now we can reveal the reason was not the lack of expertise or workflow on processing composites. OSP blades has been always famous of the unique feeling and ball touch from the time we started to make table tennis blades. We simply did not want to branch out… Read More »Why OSP Virtuoso AC (aramid-carbon) is different…and so late?
We sent out a bundle of new OSP table tennis blades with J.T.T.A.A certificate to Japan to WRM who is the biggest Japanese representative of our blades. Since our latest modification in our brand is significant: new outlook included new logo, we discontinued some of our models and some new model came up like Virtuoso AC and Expert II., we… Read More »WRM started to sell the new OSP models